Monday, January 18, 2010


There is a growing number of Ethical Omnivores; people who eat meat, but only if it has been raised and killed humanely. Animals deserve to be treated without cruelty. I feel there would be more people who would eat this way if there was more of a return benefit for them. I want to help people eat healthy and with a conscious.
I personally (and husband & 4 kids) have given up eating "Factory Farmed Meats" - the practice of raising animals in overcrowed confining pens, stock yards or cages. We changed our way of eating for moral issues, but the more research I did on this subject(mostly trying to find Humanely raised meats, milk, eggs and cheese), the more I learned about the health benefits from eating animals not raised in Factory Farms. I want to share what I have learned.
First,"Factory Farmed" animals are fed grain (mostly corn),which is not their natural diet. Grass-fed beef (free-range) has only half the saturated fat of grain-fed beef. If you eat a typical amount of beef (Americans average 66.5 pounds a year) switching to grass-fed will save you 17,733 calories a year. (University of California Cooperative Extension Service and California State University, College of Agriculture, Chico) WOW, that is definite benefit considering that obesity is epidemic in the United States.
I know when I was a kid beef at meat counter looked so much different. Round steak was a pretty solid red. Now, it is has thick marbling of fat through out. Factory Framers feed grain (corn) to the cows while their confined to cause them to fatten up quicker for increased profit. Grain(corn) does not add more meat to the cows, but adds more fat. What the Factory Farmers have really done is fatten the cows and us!

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